Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So I took lil Aiko to Petsmart today!

I loveeeee driving with the little fella. He just curls up on my lap and sleeps and quietly lays there. My sissy Rene (Lorene) went with me. We stocked up on some of the essentials for the little boy!

  1. Nutro Max Puppy Chow
  2. Squeaky Stuffed Rabbit (He picked that one out himself!)
  3. A pink (I chose that) brush.
  4. Puppy Treats
  5. Black Adjustable Harness

The man that helped me was soooo nice. He asked the groomer for me, which brush was best for him and his coat. Also he showed me where everything was and adjusted the harness for me.

I get a lot of attention with Aiko. Thankfully the dog owners there know he's too little to touch still!

I'm thinking I should have bought a Kong. I read a lot about them in the forums... I guess I will get that on payday, as well as a fluffy bed for him to sleep on outside of his crate. He really likes to lay on soft stuff.

While I was there, a manager came out and saw little Aiko. She said she has an adult pomeranian that is about 6 years old, and she's had 3 others before. So we talked for about 45 minutes and she gave me tips on brushing him and about his awkward teenage hairloss around 4 months... eek! She gave me some pointers on training, and was really nice.

She said, "He is the cutest pomeranian puppy I've seen come through here in a looooong time, and I've seen a lot."

I thought that was a really nice thing to say!

At that point I lost my contact and had to leave. Thankfully my sister was with me and drove us home. I'm really blind.

Oh and lil Aiko peed on me... I guess I deserved it for holding him so long.