Monday, November 30, 2009

Mischa, Aiko, and Me

So Mischa is adapting pretty well to her new home with us. She still doesnt care much for Aiko, unfortunately. He wants to be her friend soooooo bad. They do play tug of war with toys quite a bit.

Little Aiko's nose is probably feeling a little sore though. Mischa got him quite a few times. Most of the time just warning nips.

Potty training is NOT working. They are just going anywhere now. I'm planning on ripping the carpet up and tiling our room. Probably around the first of January. Right now I've resorted to potty pads though. They seem to be inclined to use those, which is a relief. I have to go buy more.

Mischa started training a week ago. She's had two sessions. I'm hoping we can get her a bit more comfortable around other dogs, and people. Right now she is pretty solitary. Just likes me and Kaitlynn and thats it.

I'll post pictures soon. She is a real sweetie though. Aiko is growing up to be a doll as well. Very sweet and kind. Handsome little guy. I need more pictures of him, however he never sits still long enough....